Saturday, December 4, 2010

Coincidental Dream?

I frequently have dreams that mysteriously seem to correspond to things I see in the media the following day. Last night I dreamed that I was in a police evidence room where several shelves contained opened boxes of strawberry shortcakes that the employees would eat, even though they weren't supposed to. In todays newspaper, the “Dennis the Menace” cartoon showed Dennis' mom serving him a slice of strawberry shortcake. Coincidence? Well, even though this kind of “coincidence” seems to occur to me often, I still tend to dismiss it as just that, a coincidence. But today the coincidence was just a little stronger that usual; the shortcake in the Dennis comic showed the strawberries sandwiched between two cakes, exactly like in my dream! Strange? Well, consider this: when I normally think of strawberry shortcake I always expect the strawberries to be on TOP of the cake. In fact, I cannot remember ever seeing shortcake with the strawberries in the middle, until today, in my dream, and in the Dennis comic. Still coincidence?

P.S. In the same paper was a “Pardon My Planet” comic that seemed to coincidentally correspond to my recent “Pencil in my Eye” blog post about a world full of one eyed people with no depth perception: In the cartoon a woman says to her boyfriend, “Sure, Gandhi said, 'An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.' I think instead that the loss of depth perception would make it really hard to shoot each other anymore.” I never knew Gandhi ever made such a statement, but I agree with him, not her (she was just being silly, but the coincidence is unmistakable – Carl Jung calls this “synchronicity”.)

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